DBSCR - Transcription factor

   Database of transcriptional regulation in Streptomyces

Transcription factors
Regulated genes
Revised TLS

Transcription factor: Cpb1

GenBank ID no data
Factor type ND
Pfam None
Consensus seq. ND
Comment The Cpb1 proteins expressed in S. lividans or Escherichia coli showed specific binding activity to the chiA promoter. The disruption of cpb1 resulted in partial relief of the glucose repression of chitinase production, indicating that cpb1 took part in the regulation of chitinase expression in S. lividans.

Regulated Gene Sigma Regulation Location Binding seq.(cis-element) Experimental evidence Organism
chiA None Negative ND ND Fujii T, et al. (2005): DB, GS
S. lividans


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Contact: Yuko Makita