DBSCR - Statistics

   Database of transcriptional regulation in Streptomyces coelicolor and its closest relatives

Transcription factors
Regulated genes
Revised TLS

Data volume

Last update: 15 August 2010

 S. coelicolorS. griseusOthers*Total
# of transcription factors 70 (including 13 sigma factors)
11 (including one sigma factor) 9 90
# of regulated genes 229 85 27 341
# of regulations
422 146 42 610
# of transcription stat sites 208 50 18 276
# of references 166 28 25 219
* Others: S. peucetius, S. albogriseolus, S. vinezuelae, S. cacaoi, and S. glaucescens.
  (Those genome sequences has not determined.)

Copyright: BASE,RIKEN. 2008
Contact: Yuko Makita